
Se afișează postări din decembrie 6, 2018

Cand scrii ca sa te cunosti

Ca sa dau un bun exemplu am rezolvat toate temele propuse la atelierul de scris. Rezultatul neasteptat a fost ca am explorat unghere mai putin explorate din mintea si inima mea. Colegele care au propus temele s-au dovedit a fi geniale. Niciodata nu am mai facut exercitii de scris atat de complexe. Multumiri si felicitari pentru participare si implicare! Tema Felicia 1. Scrie o poezie in vers liber. December, with love I love December for its Magic When the Solstice is approaching For its days short and cold, And for the good time with a book When the wind is hauling the cat stays tight over the radiator. I love the forest in December When the snow is crunching The air is crisp and all is clean. I love the sea in December With its waves are still and frozen Embracing the wave breakers. I love the city in December When the streets are all Wrapped in thousands of tiny lights. I love December For all the good is promised. I love December for